Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Catch Up

Well look at that. I haven't completely abandoned the Every Day Matters project. It's Sunday afternoon, I'm catching up with Google reader (which, I highly recommend to anyone who doesn't have it yet. Shameless plug: add me to your reader), and drinking espresso, a dangerous and rare event.

Here's a little bit about what's going on with me: no, I'm not moving to Mexico. I hate that I was "that person" who says all this stuff and didn't follow through. I hate those people! Although we had a fabulous time in Mexico it wasn't practical to move there. The plans that have not changed is that I am still inspired to follow my dreams and be happy. For the past two months I have been job-searching like a mad woman and turned down several not-so-enticing-but-decent positions to ensure that I would chose something that would ultimately lead me down a satisfying path.

I snatched a two-month contract position at an ad agency in Houston. I start tomorrow and am both nervous and excited about the next two months. They told me they would love the bring me on as a permanent employee later as long as they can survive in the economy. If it works out, great, if not, okay. I'm just excited to get a little more relevant experience under my belt.

How was your weekend? Mine was fab-u-lous. Lots of New Orleans stuff to come...

P.S. Photo is from San Miguel, not NOLA.


Scott Covington said...

Glad you guys had a great weekend.

BEST LUCK in your new position. Only fools would not want to hang on to someone as talented and super as you.

chelsey dyer said...

awesome! congrats to sounds like you're on the right track.

can't wait for your much to do!