Wednesday, May 28, 2008

French Food

This morning I woke up from a serious food coma. I had to skip breakfast because I was still full from the night before.

Jon and Arthur (his friend visiting from France) made the most delicious meal last night, a recipe from Arthur's Father. I enjoyed watching them teach each other cooking vocabulary from their respective languages and while I randomly interjected incorrect Spanish.

They made the entire meal from scratch-- creamy shallot and scallop chowder over a pastry shell, chicken with maple syrup dressing and fried potatoes with creamy chive dressing.For dessert, warm crepes filled with bananas, vanilla ice cream and dark chocolate. Oh yeah, I had five different kinds of stinky cheese before we started eating. Thanks, Whole Foods.

I asked Arthur if he ate like that every night in France and why he wasn't a fat lump. He informed me that he does eat like that often, but the French do not go home after work, take their pants off and watch TV.

Give me a break, It's effin' hot outside in Texas, how can you not come home and take your pants off?

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